The Malone Family

Our Journey with Infertility

Sunday, October 27, 2013

29 weeks and counting

Well things have been uneventful since my last post which is a really good thing! Everything with out little man is looking good, I recovered from surgery well and the cerclage is working great! There were a few days that I did have to go up to the hospital because I was having contractions but after about an 8 hour day hanging out with the labor and delivery nurses they were able to stop them and send us home. I am now 29 weeks and 4 days pregnant.
I am a little behind on belly pictures because it is not very often that I get ready since I can't go out of the house and I just lay around all day. We have officially set a c-section date so I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. We will be meeting our sweet angel on December 10th as long as he doesn't decide he needs to come sooner. We are still doing shots at home every week that help strengthen my uterus and having frequent doctors appointments to make sure everything is looking good. Jared gives me my shots at home and they are the worst shot I have ever had! They are so thick and my butt burns all night long! 
My belly is only measuring like I am 26 weeks along so we had an ultrasound to check and make sure he was growing on track and that everything still looked good. Everything looked great! He was the size of a 30 week 3 day baby and I was only 28 weeks 6 days at that time and he weighs about 3lbs. 2 oz. We got some way cute 3D pictures of him and I can't wait until I can kiss those sweet little lips and face! 

 And we have finally agreed on a name for our little guy! We are naming him McCoy Michael Malone:) We had picked the name Jaden for a boy before we got pregnant and then after we found out it was a boy my dad suggested McCoy and we really liked it. Not too long after I decided that was the name I liked best. Jared fell in love with it after we looked up the meanings of both names and McCoy is an Irish name, which is where his family is from and means son of Adoh which also means son of fire. He loved it because he is a firefighter and thought it was perfect. We later found out that his grandpa and great grandpa were named Coy, so it kind of had family ties. And last but not least his favorite player for his football team the Eagles is LeSean McCoy. So there are so many reasons why this name works so perfectly. And for the count down we are only 43 days away from meeting this little boy! 

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